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Trubisky discusses execution ahead of Lions game


Quarterback Mitchell Trubisky doesn't think this season's drop in scoring has a complicated explanation behind it: it comes down to execution.

Trubisky said that through the first 11 games of this season, the offense has been plagued by players "taking turns" in missing assignments.

"Nobody's perfect out there," said Trubisky. "I make mistakes, guys make mistakes, it just so happens that on offense, if the right guy makes the mistake then the play is not going to work, and the advantage goes to the defense."

Trubisky talked about the difference between a missed assignment on defense from one on offense, where a missed block could lead to a loss of yards, and a poorly run route could lead to an interception.

"You could have a guy mess up on defense away from the play," said Trubisky, "and someone else might tackle him, and it's fine. But, on offense, there's always key spots where if a guy doesn't do the right thing, then it's going to be highlighted, and we're not going to have a successful play."

Trubisky holds himself and his teammates to a high standard going into the game against the Detroit Lions on Thursday.

"That's why we're just going with the mindset that nobody can mess up," said Trubisky. "Nobody can take a play off. It's got to be all 11 guys on the same page. That way, it doesn't matter if you're to the ball or away from the ball; we're making the plays. We're in the right spot and on the same page. That's ultimately how you play more consistent football, and that's what we need to do."

Coach Matt Nagy has been in constant communication with his quarterback, looking for ways to bring the offense along in the last stretch of the season. While they discuss strategy, Trubisky's primary focus is making whatever play is called work.

"Me and Coach Nagy talk every day about what will be best for this offense," said Trubisky. "And ultimately, he knows what's best for this offense as we saw last year when we were having success. It really does come down to everybody doing their job. And whatever he comes up with, that's what we have to go out and execute."

Trubisky has answered questions in recent weeks about his preferred style of play. The quarterback gained 421 rushing yards in 2018 but has done less work with his feet this season. Nagy has discussed simplifying the playbook and emphasizing rollouts and play-action, as well as handling Trubisky's shoulder and hip injuries at different points in the year.

"We're always talking about, every single day, about what I feel comfortable with," said Trubisky, "what I like, what I think is going to work throughout the week. We're having those constant conversations."

Trubisky played in a no-huddle offense in college at North Carolina and has thrived throughout his career with the Bears in the two-minute offense. However, he dismissed the suggestion that changing the pace of the offense would be a cure-all.

"It doesn't really matter what the tempo is," said Trubisky, "what the play call is. If our 11 guys on offense are on the same page doing their job, the play should work. That's as simple as I like to keep it in my mind."

Trubisky said that the relationship between him and Nagy has strengthened in the past few weeks, as they've worked on their unified goal of igniting the offense.

"We've gotten a lot closer," said Trubisky, "and we talk every day about what's going to be best for this offense, and we've just got to believe in the plan and go out and execute it. Having those conversations and just finding a happy medium and finding what's going to be best for the offense going forward."
